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Swivel Type
1. Branch Hanger
2. Brass Barrel Swivel
3. Crane Swivel
4. Rolling Swivel
5. Ball Bearing Swivel
6. Bran Swivel
7. Heavy Swivel
8. Cross Line Swivel
9. Box Swivel
10. BL Swivel
11. 8-Type Swivel
12. Leaded Swivel
Branch Hanger
- L - Snap with SBL Swivel
- A - Snap with SBL Swivel
- A - Snap with Rolling(Rosco) Swivel
- A - Snap with Crane Swivel
Brass Barrel Swivel
Crane Swivel
- Macmahon Type
- Combination(Oyako)
Rolling Swivel(Round or Diamond Eye)
- Combination(Oyako)
Ball Bearing Swivel
Bran Swivel
Heavy Swivel
Cross Line Swivel
Box Swivel
BL Swivel
8-Type Swivel
Leaded Swivel