Quick Search :
Swivel Type
1. Brass Barrel Swivel
2. Crane Swivel
3. Rolling Swivel
4. Ball Bearing Swivel
5. Bran Swivel
6. Heavy Swivel
7. 3-Way Swivel
8. Triple Swivel
9. Cross Line Swivel
10. Minus Swivel
11. Matsuba Swivel
12. Box Swivel
13. BL Swivel
14. 8-Type Swivel
15. Leaded Swivel
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Brass Barrel Swivel
- with safety Snap
- with Double safety Snap
- with Interlock Snap
- with Italian Snap
- with Coastlock Snap
- with with Crosslock Snap
- with Danish Snap
- with Line Stopper
- Two Jointed Swivel
- Three Jointed Swivel
Crane Swivel
- Macmahon Type
- Combination(Oyako)
- with safety Snap
- with Coastlock Snap
- with Interlock Snap
- with Hooked Snap
- with Duallock Snap
- with Crosslock Snap
- with Danish Snap
- with Cork Screw
Rolling Swivel(Round or Diamond Eye)
- Rollet(X - Patterned) Type
- General Type
- Combination(Oyako)
- with Interlock Snap
- with Hooked Snap
- with Duallock Snap
- Rolling Plastic Swivel
- Rolling Moving Swivel
Ball Bearing Swivel
- Only Body
- with One Split Ring
- with Two Split Ring
- with Two Solid Ring(Welded Ring)
- with One Split Ring & Interlock Snap
- with One Solid Ring & Crosslock Snap
- with Two Solid Ring & Crosslock Snap
- with One Solid Ring & Coastlock Snap
- with Two Solid Ring & Coastlock Snap
- with Two Solid Ring & Duallock Snap
- with Two Solid Ring & Cork Screw
Bran Swivel
Heavy Swivel
- Half Type
- with Cork Screw
3-Way Swivel
- with Line Stopper
- with Interlock Snap
Triple Swivel
- with Line Stopper
- with Red Beads
Cross Line Swivel
Minus Swivel
- with Italian Snap
Matsuba Swivel
- Combination(Oyako)
Box Swivel
BL Swivel
8-Type Swivel
Leaded Swivel